Monday, May 30, 2011

Till the time runs out...

I am going to live life to the fullest till my time runs out, I will say and do all things I should have done but didn't and I should have done but couldn't. Please do believe that there is only a limited time I have on this tiny planet. Please, I beg you. Don't ask me questions. Just be happy for me and smile like there is no tomorrow, and not because you have to but you want to. I'll appreciate everything I have and I shall not complain. I shall not swear. I shall not sin. If I could live with it. I'll try my best and do the best I can. If you can stop judging me and start trusting me. I thank you all for being there for me, for being there because you care and not that you have to, just to try to gain my friendship. Be true to me and be true to yourself.

Every minute counts, and life goes on for now…


Avriel Babbles